Worship Ministries
It takes many loving hands and hearts to prepare for worship each Sunday and for our special worship services. We rely on the generous spirits of those willing to help bring it all together. Here you can learn who to contact and how you can get involved as a member of the Altar or Flower Guild, as an Usher or Acolyte, Lector, and more.

For anyone 9 years old and above including adults, our acolytes serve at worship services assisting our clergy by leading the processions, helping with the preparation of the Altar for Holy Communion, and leading younger children to Children’s Chapel. Being an acolyte gives our youth an up-close-and-personal perspective on their church laying a foundation for a deeper experience of their faith. Please contact Mary Margaret Freeman at 901-336-1790 or marymargaretfree@gmail.com
Altar Guild
The beauty of our church is enhanced by dedicated members of the Altar Guild who work in teams to prepare the church for worship each week. Newcomers are paired with experienced guild members in creating a sacred space for all.
Please contact Marion Rossman at 901-755-1084 or dmrossman7@bellsouth.net for more information.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) assist the clergy in worship services and during weddings and funerals. With training, this important ministry is open to all men and women of the parish.
Please contact Andrew Proctor at 901-409-0820 or proctorandrew@hotmail.com for more information.
The ministry of reading the scripture lessons and the Prayers of the People is one of the most important and satisfying areas of worship. New lectors are always welcome; if you would enjoy giving a voice to the Scripture and Prayers with expression and enthusiasm, come join us.
Please contact Andrew Proctor at 901-409-0820 or proctorandrew@hotmail.com for more information.
Greeters are welcoming, friendly people who greet parishioners and newcomers as they enter for worship or special events. If you like to meet and greet people, this the ministry for you!
Please contact Leslie Darr at 901-757-8999 or 6ldarr5@comcast.net for more information.
Our ushers extend the hand of fellowship in Christ to everyone coming to St. George’s. They help visitors find their way, distribute the worship bulletin, collect the offering and tend to technical parts of the service.
Please contact Stan Walker at stanlwalker64@gmail.com for more information.
Flower Guild

Are you the creative type who enjoys working with flowers? Members of the Flower Guild purchase and arrange flowers for our Altar and narthex and other locations on campus for special events. Your artistic gifts would be on display glorifying God with the beauty of God’s creation.
Please contact Pam Key (901-848-6146, or pamelajkey@outlook.com) or Charlotte Hayes (901-754-2103, or charlottehayes@aol.com) for more information.
Altar Flowers

Your monetary gifts given towards the altar flowers in thanksgiving for or memory of your family and friends are the financial backbone of the Flower Guild. We rely on those donations in order to provide beautiful flower arrangements for the worship services each week. Help us by remembering the special events in your life through a donation for flowers.