Parish Support
Parish Support: Care of Campus
Buildings and Grounds Committee
This committee oversees the care and maintenance of the Building and Grounds at St. George’s.
Please contact Don Rossman 901-755-1084 or ( for more information.
Columbarium Committee

This group works to maintain our sacred and beautiful columbarium space, and stands ready to assist members with pre-planning for final arrangements, including purchase of a niche.
Please contact Carolyn Martin (901-494-3605 or for more information.
The Green Thumb Club

The Green Thumb Club, or “Thumbers” for short, offers parishioners the opportunity to help maintain the various planting beds around the church. Individual “Thumbers” have their own plot and are responsible for weeding, occasional trimming, and participating in twice yearly “sprucing” up prior to the Christmas and Easter seasons.
Please contact Don Rossman (901-755- 1084 or if you would like to be a “Thumber”!
Kitchen Committee
The Kitchen Committee performs occasional kitchen clean-up parties that offer fun and fellowship, while keeping our kitchen in tip-top shape. Please contact Laura Sperry (901-756-5493 or for more information.
Parish Support: Support for One Another
Pastoral Care Committee
The Pastoral Care team offers support and comfort to parishioners in times of illness or loss through phone calls, cards and visits. Food is provided when needed. The Pastoral Care team works hand-in-hand with our Knitting Ministry (which provides prayer shawls), our Flower Guild (which periodically prepares flowers from our Sunday altar flowers to deliver to those who are ill, homebound, or who may need a loving touch) and our Lay Eucharistic Visitors (who help the clergy take Communion to those who are hospitalized or homebound).
Please contact Connie Douglass 901-685-7862 or for more information.
If you or a loved one has a pastoral care need, please contact the Church Office at 901-754-7282 or office@stgeorges.germantown.
Knitting Ministry
Handy with a pair of needles or crochet hook? Like to see yarn turn into beautiful creations that remind us of God’s warmth and comfort for all? Think about joining this group, which meets to create prayer shawls for members and friends who need to be enveloped in the loving prayers of the parish family.
Please contact Marcia Meisinger at
Worship Transportation Ministry Team
This team helps bring parishioners who are no longer driving to worship on Sunday mornings or to other parish activities. Please consider becoming part of this very rewarding ministry — and helping those who cannot drive continue to be full participants in the life of our parish church.
Please contact the Church Office at 901-754-7282 or
Daughters of the King

The Daughters of The King are united through vows of prayer, service and evangelism, pray for all on our church’s prayer list, act as healing ministers at each worship service to pray with and for anyone, and offer monthly healing prayer services.
This is a national Episcopal organization for women of all ages and is a contemplative and service organization.The St. George’s Chapter of the Daughters of the King meets monthly on the second Sunday at 12 noon for a meeting/study session in which members discuss a book or film study.
The daughters maintain a confidential DOK Prayer List for daily prayer and provide service to the clergy by assisting with healing prayers following the 10:30 a.m. service on the third Sunday of each month. DOK members also assist with funeral visitations/receptions by providing coffee, tea and cookies and assisting any catering personnel. The Daughters also remember daily, by name, along with the clergy, those who are listed on the parish prayer list.
The DOK sponsors two outreach efforts, collection of aluminum cans which supports the Shelby County Humane Society, and hygiene packets for clients of the Hospitality Hub, a homeless referral service.
The DOK also provides Prayers for Healing and Laying on of Hands in the Memorial Room during and following Communion at the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharists.
The DOK sponsors an annual Quiet Day for Women.
Our chapter of DOK International ( is open to young women 18 and older who are willing to accept the Rule of the Order of Service and participate in daily prayer for special needs. We have monthly meetings with a book review chosen by the members, and host funeral receptions. Also, we serve at the instruction of the Clergy.
Please contact Erika Ewen ( for more information.
The Newcomers Committee
The Newcomers Committee helps to welcome newcomers and facilitate their meeting others in our parish family at our 5th Sunday Potlucks – where we all enjoy a time of fellowship with our parish family. Please contact Susan Westbrook at 901-292-7608 or
Wedding Hostesses
Do you love weddings? Does seeing a couple begin their new life together fill you with joy? Then be a Wedding Hostess and help them begin their journey through this ministry.
Please contact Sarah Bettendorf (901-896-9581 or for more information.
Coffee Hour

Following the 10:30 a.m. service, parish groups coordinate coffee and refreshments in the Parish Hall for parishioners and newcomers. Each Sunday different parishioners or ministry groups volunteer as host.
Contact: the Church Office 901-754-7282 or
St. Lorenzo Guild
Is cooking your passion? Do you have a favorite comfort food recipe you can whip up in a jiffy? This group needs you! They create meals for members and friends who’re facing life changes (serious illnesses, new babies, deaths of loved ones) or who just need a helping hand and a warm home-cooked meal.
Please contact Karrie LaCroix at 901-754-7282 or
Parish Support: Finance and Administration
Office Volunteers
Love to meet people? Good with a telephone, taking messages and being a welcoming presence? Being an office volunteer sounds like a perfect fit! Come in for a few hours a week, greet visitors and members, answer the phone, relay messages, and help with occasional light office work (inserting flyers into Sunday bulletins, mailings, etc.). Help our great staff be even greater!
Please contact Eileen Fields (901-754-7282 or for more information.
The Endowment Committee
The Endowment Committee oversees our investments, which support many of our core programs. Terms are 3 years, with meetings held quarterly. Please contact Jake Adams (901-896-9696 or for more information.
The Finance Team
The Finance Team supports the church treasurer and advises the vestry regarding the fiscal status of our church, and assists with the budgeting process. Please contact Jim Vogel for more information.
The Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee plans and executes our annual stewardship drives that help people connect to ministry and discern God’s use of their time, talent and treasure. Please contact Perry Pennington for more information.