Fellowship Ministries
St.George’s offers a wealth of opportunities for our parish family to gather for fellowship.
Hospitality Team

Do you have 2 hours to volunteer once a quarter on a Sunday morning to help set up for parish-wide luncheons with other fun-loving hosts and hostesses? Choose the dates that work for YOUR schedule and the role that sounds like fun to YOU on this team. Get ready for fun and new friends, preparing for what a congregation does best: BREAKING BREAD TOGETHER! Please email Margaret Hatter (margarethatter1@aol.com) for more information. Help make these cherished fellowship events even more special: Fifth-Sunday Parish Luncheons (welcoming newcomers), Annual Parish Meeting Luncheon in January, and our Pentecost Picnic. We welcome parishioners of all ages, including youth!
Flying Solo

A welcoming group of single women who enjoy each other’s company meets on the third Friday of each month for dinner. Whether you are divorced, widowed or never married you will make new friends and have fun. For more information, please contact Sandi Bethel at 901-737-1016 or slbethel@ipaper.com.

A monthly gathering for all adults in the parish. Informal entertaining by design, Lancers usually gathers in the church Parish Hall, or occasionally at a home, sharing a pot luck meal (Entrees are always welcome!), fun and fellowship. Newcomers are especially welcomed. Meets 2nd Friday evening of each month at 6:30 p.m. For more information or questions please contact Kit Decker, 901-830-6366 or kit.decker@earthlink.net