Children, Youth & EYC at St. George's
Welcome Kids, Youth and Parents!
The formation of our children as Christians is of utmost importance here at St. George’s. To that end, we have many and varied ministry offerings that help our children grow as Christians in the world today, and we encourage our families to take full advantage of those. Through our worship ministries (acolytes, choirs, lectors), our children and youth learn about how we worship and take their place among adults as worship leaders. Through our formation opportunities (Sunday School, Children’s Chapel), our children and youth learn the stories of the scriptures, and how those stories shape our lives today. Through fun fellowship opportunities (EYC, The Table, family nights), our children and youth learn to grow in community with one another. And through opportunities for families to serve our community together (More Than a Meal, Labor of Love, Room in the Inn, and many others), our children and youth learn that when we love God and love others, we change the world. We invite you to check out the many opportunities for our children, youth and families to take part in the whole of the life of St. George’s!
Children’s Chapel – is held every Sunday during the 10:30am service. Children ages 3 years old to 2nd grade are invited to join us at the Children's Chapel banner in the front of the church following The Gospel reading for a brief bible lesson. Children will return to their seats during The Peace. Children will learn to form a close relationship with God and learn love for others through lessons, activities and crafts.
Food and Formation – Children and Youth participate in Sunday School once
monthly during our parish wide “Food and Formation”. “Food and Formation” is held the first Sunday of the month(with the exception of holiday or special event weekends). Brunch is served following the 10:30 am service. Then, our Children(ages 3 years old to 5 th grade) gather in Classroom B, our Youth(grades 6 th through 12 th ) gather in classroom A, and adults gather in the Parish Hall for their Formation classes. Nursery is provided for children under the age of 3.

Acolytes – For children and youth(9 years old and up), acolytes serve at worship services assisting our clergy by leading the processions and helping with the preparation of the Altar for Holy Communion. Being an acolyte gives our
youth an up-close-and-personal perspective on their church laying a foundation for a deeper experience of their faith. Please contact Mary Margaret Freeman at 901-336-1790 or for more information.

The Table – The Table gives families of children and youth the opportunity to get to know one another better over a shared meal, fellowship and a brief time of informal learning on the second third Sunday of the month(with the exception of holiday or special event weekends). Following the 10:30 am service, families gather for lunch and fellowship. We have various activities from Communion instruction to mission projects to old fashioned family fun planned during this time of fellowship. Take a break from the busyness of life and enjoy this time with us!

Children’s Choir – Choir provides an opportunity to sing and learn about music for children from kindergarten through 8th grade. Please contact Maria Fasciano for more details:
Episcopal Youth Community

EYC provides a variety of programs for the Junior and Senior High youth. The youth at St. George’s Episcopal Church are very important. Youth in EYC are encouraged primarily to deepen their relationship with Christ. Part of this growth involves serving in the communities around them and learning more about the Episcopal Church. Activities include service work, outings, trips and camps. EYC is open to youth in grades 6 to grade 12. We meet at various times throughout the month. Please check the calendar for updates or contact Karrie LaCroix at karrie@stgeorgesgermantown to be added to our EYC email distribution list.
EYC Photo Gallery at Mission in Memphis
Follow us on Instagram too! StGeorgeEYC
Mission in Memphis week:
During our youths’ Mission in Memphis week, we go out and serve in the community with some of our ministry partners (MIFA, Room in the Inn, Thistle and Bee), and allow time for the youth to reflect on that service, and enjoy fun, games and fellowship, as well.