From the Vestry:
One of the treasures of St. George’s is the weekly class “Education for Ministry” (EFM).1 Shout out to Verlinda Henning for facilitating this ministry! I joined the EFM class in the Fall of 2022, not knowing exactly what was involved. What I found was a rich time of study and conversation about the Bible and theology. The books we read are challenging and thought provoking, and the conversations lead us into deeper understanding. Even though there is a time commitment
involved, I have grown to treasure my time with the other participants in EFM. I encourage you to consider joining the EFM cohort beginning this Fall.
The key ingredient of EFM is not the reading, or even the conversation. What is most significant is the theological reflection activities. We reflect on our readings, our tradition, the Bible, the world, and our own thoughts and feelings. Out of that comes a prayer that we craft together and a broadened vision for living out our faith in the world in a practical way. What is needed is not a perfect understanding of the Bible or theology, but a willingness to live out the words of Jesus in our lives.
It is a worthwhile exercise to stop and ask ourselves from time to time, “How am I living out the words of Jesus in my life?” One way that we can live out the words of Jesus practically is to care for one another. While we are without an Interim Rector during the summer months, we can care for and pastor each other by being a neighbor and showing encouragement and support to those who need it. During this season, please reach out and show your love and concern for those experiencing hardships, illness, or any kind of difficulty. This is an act of service to one
another and obedience to our Lord, whose Way requires that we “love one another” (1 John 3:11, 14, 23; 4:7, 11, 12; 2 John 5).
This month, we are launching a Pastoral Care Ministry at St. George’s. This is a volunteer ministry for laypeople to care for others in the parish family. According to Tricia Jones,
The lay caregivers at St. Francis by the Lake participate in ministries like bringing eucharist to the homebound, visiting sick and lonely persons in various settings, … being present with those who are mourning, and praying with and for others… [W]e are present with others as we make telephone calls, write notes, make and deliver prayer shawls, do drive-by porch visits, deliver meals and groceries and provide transportation for medical appointments.”
If you would like to participate in the Pastoral Care Ministry at St. George’s, or nominate someone for the ministry, please reach out to me at
Grace and peace,
Perry Pennington
St. George's Events & Activities
May 17 – Flying Solo
May 19 – Pentecost Sunday, Parish Picnic, More Than a Meal
May 26 – Trinity Sunday, Vestry Meeting
May 27 – Office closed for Memorial Day
May 28 – June 2 – EYC Mission in Memphis
June 2 – Sunday, EFM graduation
June 3-7 -Youth & Adult “drop in helper week” for VBS
June 9 – Sunday. The Rt Rev. Phoebe Roaf, Celbrant and Preacher, Bldgs & Grnds Mtg
June 10-14 – VBS
June 11 – Book Club
June 14 – Lancers
June 16 – Sunday, Rev. Donna Gerold Celbrant and Preacher, DOK Chapter Meeting, More Than a Meal, Concerts on the Green with The Graizers (7 pm)
June 19 – Pokeno; Compassion Camp 5-7:30pm
Weekly Events
Sunday – St. George’s Consort (12:30 p.m.), and Sanctifica Rehearsals (1:30 p.m.)
Monday – EfM
Tuesday – Tai Chi
Wednesday – St Cecilia Choir rehearsal / DOK Bible Study / Coventry Choir rehearsal
Thursday – Exultemus rehearsal, Thursday Night Bible Study
Worship with us In-Person or Online
We continue to provide a worship service online each Sunday, livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. on our YouTube Channel and on Facebook then recorded and posted on our YouTube page and our Facebook page for later viewing. You can also access these from the front page of our website at under Worship or Sunday Schedule by clicking wherever our YouTube channel is mentioned.
Healing Prayers each Sunday
If you would like to have healing prayers for yourself or through you for a family member or friend, members of the Order of the Daughters of the King or clergy will be available in the chapel in the back of the nave to administer healing prayers with laying on of hands and anointing if desired. Just go back to the chapel after you take communion or at the end of the service where they will meet you for prayer.
Message from the Treasurer:
Just use this button below, to give or to pledge! It’s that simple! We thank you for your support!
To pledge time and offerings, you can use the link below or contact the church office. The report delivered at the Annual Meeting on January 28 details the many areas where you can volunteer, including once-a-year opportunities (with a fair helping of more frequent slots as well). If you have any questions, please contact me.
Jim Vogel, Treasurer
This Week and Next
Parish News
New Ministry at St. George’s
Newcomers are very important to the life and growth of our parish. To that end, a Newcomers Ministry is being formed to make sure that we not only welcome newcomers to St. George’s, but also give them support as they seek to become part of our wonderful church family. If you would like to be a part of this new ministry, or have questions about it, please contact Susan Westbrook at or 901-292-7608.
Interim Rector Called
The Rev. Dr. Dorothy White has accepted our invitation to become the Interim Rector at St. George’s! Her first Sunday with us will be August 11.
The Vestry enjoyed meeting Rev Dr White and learning about her ministry, and we voted unanimously to call her as Interim. Please join us in praying for her during her transition from Minneapolis, where she is currently the Interim Head Chaplain and Religion Department Chair at Breck School. More details to come!
In Christ,
Perry Pennington, Senior Warden
Ordination of Bishop-Elect of Mississippi Bus Transportation Available
Reminder to reserve your spot on the Bus to Jackson, MS for Mother Dorothy’s Ordination and installation as new Bishop to the Diocese of Mississippi. Reservations will open up to the entire Diocese soon and spots may fill up fast.
On July 20, 2024, Bishop-Elect Rev Dr. Dorothy Sanders Wells, Rector of St. George’s for the past ten years, will be consecrated Bishop of the Diocese of Mississippi.
Many have asked if the church could charter a bus so that we can be there for that special occasion. If you would like to travel on a charter bus to Jackson, MS for Bishop-Elect Dorothy’s Ordination and Consecration, please sign up on the link below.
The cost is $55, which must be paid in advance. If the cost of the bus presents a difficulty for you, please reach out to Perry Pennington at or contact the church office.
The sign-up deadline is June 15, 2024.
Many thanks to Rev. Sandy Webb, Rector of Church of the Holy Communion, for taking the lead in chartering buses for the trip. Additional details will be provided later about the departure time on July 20.
Welcome Back, No Sweat Soirée!
Saturday, August 10th we continue together on our church mission “Gather, Discover, Serve” by welcoming all members to participate in No Sweat Soirée! This is our largest charitable all-church participatory event that raises money each year to benefit those in need in our Mid-South community. We gather our goods, we discover new ways to share, and we serve those around us. Please go ahead and mark your calendars. More information will be coming at the May 19th Pentecost Sunday Parish Picnic and in the coming weeks. There are lots of ways to participate; one just perfect for each schedule and talent! Be on the lookout!
Upcoming Special Sunday Events
Spring Brunch, May 12
Join your church bunch for a special Spring Brunch! We welcome everyone to gather with us for a festive brunch on Sunday, May 12 following the 10:30 a.m. service. On the menu will be breakfast casseroles, sliced ham, hash brown casserole, mixed green salad, fruit, and sweets. If you are able to assist with preparing a dish for the brunch or can help with setup or clean up, please reach out to Karrie. Please RSVP to the church office by Friday, May 10 ( or on the sign-up poster located in the Narthex. Donations accepted at the door.
Pentecost Picnic May 19th Save the Date!
Plan to wear Red for Pentecost and we’ll enjoy our annual Pentecost Picnic following the 10:30 am service. Burgers and hot dogs, condiments, tomatoes, lettuce and chips will be provided. As a parish family, we’ll provide side dishes. Last names A – L, please bring Fruit or Desserts. Last names M – Z, a salad of your choice. (Potato Salad, Pasta Salad, Tossed Green Salad). We will have activities for the children and Exultemus! will provide picnic music! Please sign up in the Narthex to let us know you are coming.
The Pem Field Library has been updated and brought online!
Virginia Baird has reorganized our Library to catalog recent gifts and make it even more user-friendly by including a listing of its contents online ( The Library employs the Dewey Decimal classification system with the OOO’s starting to your left as you enter the library and continuing clockwise around the room, culminating in the Children’s collection on the far right. The Gibson and Marquis collections have been integrated into the main collection and designated with the initial call letters GIB and MAR respectively. For instructions on how to use the Library in-person or online
CPR and First Aid Classes Now By Demand Only
Bev Holllingsworth is no longer regularly scheduling CPR and First Aid Classes. However if you need to be certified or to recertify, contact Bev at to request a class.
Welcome to Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour normally follows our 10:30 a.m. worship service except on Food & Formation Sundays.
Meet your friends for coffee and a chat in the Parish Hall – thanks to Brunch Bunch (1st Sundays), Flying Solo (2nd Sundays), Vestry (3rd Sundays) and Daughters of the King (4th Sundays). We are so grateful to these ministry teams for taking the lead and helping us revive our Coffee Hour! We are also interested in other members or groups who might like to host an occasional Sunday. If you’d like to bring goodies to contribute on either Sunday, please contact
Sarah Bettendorf, for Brunch Bunch Ministry (,
Sandi Bethel, for Flying Solo (,
Molly Prewitt, for Vestry (
We are in need of a Coffee Hour Coordinator!
If this is your calling, please reach out to
Be a Part of Our Worship Team
Crucifers and Torch Bearers Needed
Thank You to all of our children and youth who will serve as acolytes! It’s never too late to join in so please contact Mary Margaret Freeman (, or 901-336-1790) for more information.
Welcoming Teams, LEMs, & Acolytes Needed
We continuingly need a few more ushers/greeters to greet and help our worshippers find seats, and LEMs for 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services.
For more information about serving, please contact or respond to:
Andrew Proctor (LEMs, lectors, at
Stan Walker (ushers,
Leslie Darr (greeters,
Mary Margaret Freeman (Acolytes,
Join a Music Ministry
St. George’s music ensembles, now in rehearsal, invite you to join in music-making:
Children’s choir Wednesdays, 5:30 – 6:15 pm (beginning Oct. 18)
Please contact Stephen Karr at
Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. – Coventry Choir
Please contact our Stephen Karr at
Thursdays – Exultemus, our folk guitar and vocal ensemble, rehearses. Please contact Tom Fields (
Sundays at 12:30 p.m. – St. George’s Recorder Consort – Please contact Angela Saunders (901-438-9975).
Sundays at 1:30 p.m. – Sanctifica Wind & Brass Ensemble – Please contact Karen Moore (901-486-0417).
Be A Part of Our Livestream Team
Do you have an interest in learning how to stream live video to the internet? Become part of our livestream team on Sunday mornings at 10:30am, no experience necessary. We have a new system in place that we are all learning how to use. Please contact Joe Austin at if you are interested.
Tai Chi Classes
Richard Link offers Tai Chi for Healthy Living on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Activity Center. For more information, please contact Richard at (901) 581-8456 or
“Notes about the Notes” - from Stephen Karr
With temperatures rising and the school year coming to an end, everyone’s thoughts are turning to summer. I’m pleased to announce that St. George’s Friends of Music has a wonderful summer series of three Concerts on the Garth lined up for your enjoyment. Bring your chairs and a picnic, or purchase food from the EYC who will be serving hotdogs and hamburgers, along with chips and drinks to fund their program. Each concert is timed to end just after sunset so there’s still a little evening glow to get back to your car.
Bring your dads and granddads on June 16 for a repeat performance by The Grazers, who were with us in 2021. This concert begins at 7pm. On August 18, Lucky 7 Brass Band will be with us, bringing their signature high-energy performance to our front porch. This concert begins at 6:30 pm.
To close the season and bid summer farewell, the Memphis Wind Symphony will play for us on September 8 at 6:00. Anyone who was here for their performance last year surely can’t wait to be entertained by them once more on our beautiful lawn.
I am grateful for those who have volunteered to help with the Friends of Music committee in recent weeks. We of course always looking for more help—a concert series is a complicated thing! Even if you don’t want to be on the committee and would just like to help with logistics the day of a performance, we would be glad to put you to work. Please reach out to me at if you are willing to pitch in.
Come Sing with Summer Choir
Speaking of summer, the Coventry Choir will be taking a hiatus from rehearsal and service leadership beginning in June. We will have a mix of instrumentalists and singers (both from within the parish and outside), and once per month in the summer season we’ll have summer choir. This will be a relaxed environment where we will come together on Sunday morning and rehearse a relatively simple anthem in the half hour before the service. If you would like to try the choir but are unsure of the commitment, this would be a great way to sing with us with very little pressure. The dates are June 30, July 28 and August 18. Please come and sing with us, whatever your level of skill!
Coming This Summer
Summer means Concerts on the Garth when you bring or buy a picnic supper, set up your lawn chairs on the Garth, bring your friends, children and well-restrained pets, and enjoy an evening of music. This year’s line up includes the ever popular group The Glaziers in June 16, a new group Lucky 7 Bravo Band August 18; and Memphis Wind Symphony back by popular demand (and including some of our own Sanctifica musicians) September 8.
St. George’s Episcopal youth group will be selling food for purchase during the concert as a Youth Fundraiser. Hamburger combo $7 (burger, chips, drink) and hot dog combo (hot dog, chips, drink) will be available.
How We Can Serve Others #Serve901
Vacation Bible School supply donations needed!
Here’s the signup genius
OR, the list….
Packing Styrofoam
Spray Paint (Any colors)
Spray Foam
Scrap Wood Pieces
Packing Peanuts
Corrugated Cardboard
Cardboard Boxes (Anything from cereal to packing)
Elmer’s Glue jugs
Hot glue sticks
Muffin Tins (paper and aluminum)
Kraft shipping paper
Coffee filters
Masking Tape
Duct Tape
E6000 Glue
Pool noodles
Velcro command strips
Construction paper
Bubble plastic wrap
Plastic table cloths (Oranges, Blues, Greens, Purples, Whites, Pinks)
Chicken Wire
Worn Denim (can be torn and stained!)
Toilet paper rolls
Paper towel rolls
Home Depot gift cards
Lowe’s gift cards
More Than a Meal Needs Servers on Third Sundays
We serve More Than a Meal on the 3rd Sunday of each month at Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church from 3 – 5 p.m. . Join your St. George’s friends (and make new ones, too), when we next serve More Than a Meal and help make this season a hospitality-filled one for our neighbors. There are a number of roles for Sunday afternoons, from making nametags for guests, to plating food in the kitchen, to serving guests. We’ll start setting up at 3 p.m., and the meal will be served at 4 p.m. with cleanup usually finished by 5 p.m. Our next More Than a Meal Sunday will be June 16th.
Cooking for More Than a Meal
It is St. George’s delight and honor to lead the 3rd Sunday cooking team. If you enjoy making your way around a kitchen, and would love to have a hungry crowd to appreciate your cooking, here’s your opportunity! Many thanks to PZ and Selby Horton for leading the cooking team. Please contact PZ Horton at for more information about joining the cooking team.
Calvary Closet Needs Clothing Donations
Even though Calvary’s building is under renovation, the Clothes Closet will remain open for neighbors experiencing homelessness. We will be thankful to receive your donations at the Welcome Inn next door, 82 N. 2nd Street. Men’s pants, belts, and shoes are a huge need. Please call 901-525-6602 for questions. Thank you for helping our neighbors!
Calvary Closet needs gently-used seasonal clothing, especially for men, in large and extra large sizes, shoes, and blankets/ throws/ sleeping bags are especially needed for those sleeping outside. Also desired are duffle bags and wheeled suitcases. See the list of items needed and place your bags in the gift tubs in the Narthex. Coats are a high priority at this time, so that Calvary can stock its closet! You can also order from the Amazon wish list (search for “Calvary Memphis Outreach”), and they will be sent straight to Calvary! Other needed items include
Rolling Suitcases
New Underwear
Work Boots
Men’s Belts
Plastic grocery bags
Umbrellas/rain ponchos
Elastic waist pants/sweats
Sleeping bags
Large/XL t-shirts
Sneakers/Casual Shoes
Orion 5K to Benefit MIFA Meals on Wheels
Have you heard the good news? The Orion 5K will benefit MIFA for the third year in a row! We are grateful to Orion FCU for this opportunity to partner and promote MIFA Meals on Wheels.
Be a part of all the action and activities on Saturday, May 11 at 8:30 a.m. This year’s event, which is part of the M-Town Race Series, features a 5K and a 1-mile Family Fun Run, followed by a street party with pickleball! Click here to register.
Other Ways to Make St. G's Smile
Kroger Community Rewards continues to support St. George’s. If you shop at Kroger for your groceries and sundries, please register with Kroger so that your purchases earn contributions to St. George’s.
Adult Formation
The Education for Ministry group at St. George’s will celebrate our graduate, Bobbie Wonderly McLaughlin, on Sunday, June 2, with the presentation of her diploma. This is a big day for us, as we’re celebrating for the first time in worship since the pandemic!
Education for Ministry is a program designed to help laypersons identify/discern how God is calling them to use their spiritual gifts; it involves reading and studying scripture, church history, and issues facing Christians today in a small group setting.
This year, our focus theme has been Growing in Spiritual Maturity, and our discussions have been inspiring, challenging and enlightening.
EfM is a space where people listen to each other’s stories, share experiences, discuss, pray, and worship without judgment and with compassion, understanding, support and love. Our current participants include John Hannum, Verlinda Henning (mentor), Bobbie McLaughlin, Perry Pennington, John Planchon Sr., and Angela Saunders. Our next group begins on Monday, September 9, so watch for more information in upcoming Tip newsletters and please talk to any of the people in our group to learn more.
Thursday Night Online Bible Study Now Studying Christian Apocryphal Texts -- Register Anytime
St. George’s Thursday Evening Bible Study meets weekly via Zoom with Dr. Jimmy Elam as facilitator. We will meet online every Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. until May, 2024, unless there is a holiday or other conflict. Everyone is welcome each week, even if you have been unable to attend any prior weeks.
We are now studying the early Christian church and it’s spread through the known western and eastern world. Readings, with outlines of the video lesson, , are provided weekly prior to the Zoom sessions. Join us each week as we investigate these amazing ancient documents. For information or to register: Contact Jimmy Elam at (901) 326-2376 / You will need to register to receive the class handouts and Zoom link.
Next Forward Day by Day Available
Forward Movement offers beautiful books, apps, mobile-friendly websites, and podcasts to support a roving life of prayer. Visit to find morning and evening prayer, the daily scripture readings, Forward Day by Day meditations, special seasonal meditations and more. Or visit to discover our various podcasts.
The May – July issue is now available for pick up in the Narthex. You can also subscribe to an emailed daily version of the publication here.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study Open to All
St. George’s Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King hosts a Wednesday morning Bible study from 10 – 11 a.m. that is open to all interested persons.
They have completed their special Lenten Study and are now returning to the study of Hebrews beginning April 3rd. The study guide is Engaging God’s Word Hebrews. It is available from Amazon in print or kindle format at
St. George's Book Club Meets June 11 to Select our Books for Next Reading Year
At our June 11 meeting we will select our books to read for next year. Send your recommendations, with a short synopsis of the books, to me by May 28 so that I can consolidate the recommendations and share them with your before our June meeting. . If you would like to join the group, contact Kit Decker at to be put on the email group list for the Book Club schedule, announcements and ZOOM login information.
Family and Children's Formation
Our “Worship and Wonder” class for children ages 3 years old through 5th grade meets Sundays in Classroom B during a portion of our 10:30am service. “Our Journey with God” class for EYC (6th-12th grade) meets in Classroom A during a portion of the 10:30am service.
Friday, May 10th, 5pm to 7:45 pm Partners in Parenting Outing
Parents will meet at The Grove at GPAC from 5:30pm to 7:30pm for Happy Hour in the Grove. There will be live music from Josh Threlkheld and Friends. Bring your own picnic dinner (no outside beverages permitted, there will also be a food truck on site) and picnic blanket/lawn chair for a fun evening of fellowship with other St. George’s parents!
Childcare will be available at St. George’s Church in the choir room from 5:00 pm to 7:45 pm (enter the door next to the playground for drop off/pickup). Suggested donation for childcare for children 4th grade and younger is $10 for first child, $5 for second and third, $20 max/ per family. All youth ages 5th grade and up are encouraged to attend and help with the childcare, dinner (pizza and drinks provided) and activities. All proceeds net of kids’ childcare, meal and activity costs will benefit the St. George’s Youth Fund. Please RSVP to Sarah Kasdan ( by Wednesday, May 8th.
I am not going to announce an official “end” date for EYC for the school year as we will continue to meet as a group at concerts and with VBS, etc. I may pick a More than Meal to help at or a fun social gathering here or there so it isn’t like we are really ending.
April & May Events with details have been added to the calendar; so, please click here for a Google calendar with more detailed information. Please email Karrie for any questions or to RSVP for an event!
EYC Mission Trip 2024-"Mission in Memphis"
St. George’s Mission Trip is open to all rising 6th graders-12th graders. We will depart on Tuesday morning , Mission Week is Tuesday, May 28 to Sunday, June 2. . We will spend the days doing service work with Room in the Inn, MIFA, etc. Nights will be spent at St. Columba. We will have one day filled with fun including the waterslide and Ziplining at St. Columba. All transportation, meals, lodging and service activities will be provided. This trip is flexible so come even if you are only able to spend a day or two! There will be no fee for this year’s Mission trip due to an anonymous donation to the fund.
Chaperones Needed
Parents—there are opportunities to volunteer to chaperone during the day and/or night. We need help with providing meals as well! Please email Karrie if you are interested in volunteering! Thank you all for always supporting our youth program!
Make plans now to come "sea" us for Vacation Bible School 2024 at St. George's Episcopal Church!
You will want to be sure to come aboard for “God is the Captain of Our Ship: Lessons at Sea!” where we will explore bible stories related to all things in the sea! There will be bible stories, crafts, science, games, snacks and much, much more! We hope to “sea” you there!
VBS is for children 3 years old(and potty trained) through 5th grade. Any rising 6th graders and up interested in volunteering, please email
Date and Time: June 10th-June 14th, 9am to 12pm
Location: St. George’s Episcopal Church, 2425 S. Germantown Rd, Germantown, TN, 38138
There is a $25 fee per child for Vacation Bible School($15/each additional sibling).
Please email for any questions!
June 3-7, 9 am to 4 pm Youth and Adult VBS "drop in" helper week
Any adults, youth and rising 6th graders interested in helping with Vacation Bible School, please come help us get the church ready for VBS! We will be here preparing decorations (we have a BIG vision for this!), organizing supplies and trialing games and activities in anticipation of the following BIG week of VBS! Lunch provided. Come as you are able.
Compassion Camp, June 5, 12, 19 & 26
Save the Date/1 St. George’s will be working collaboratively with Grace-St. Luke’s, Holy Communion and Calvary churches to host “Compassion Camp” for kids ages 3 years old (and potty trained) through rising 5th graders, from 5 to 7:30 pm Every Wednesday Evening in June. Rising 6th graders and up as well as adults are encouraged to volunteer. More details coming soon.
Safe Sitter Babysitter Class with CPR to be offered June 7th 9am - 3:30 pm
Designed to prepare students to be safe when they’re home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. The Instructor-led class is filled with fun games and role-playing exercises. Students even get to use manikins to practice rescue skills like choking rescue!
Class fee is $90 and includes Safe Sitter and CPR books. Students should bring their lunch, drink, snacks and a doll to practice diapering.
To register email to receive class information, registration form and deposit information. Balance is due at time of class. Class size is limited to 12 students.
Children are so very welcome at St. George’s!
Families, please know that children’s activity bags can be found in the Narthex! These bags include activities to help your entire family talk about the day’s scripture lessons. Please place bags in the basket under the coat rack after use so that we can refill them with supplies!
George's Bookshoppe
We have wonderful gifts for Teacher Appreciation & Mother’s Day, and a manicure kit might be a thoughtful and practical item for anyone! Be sure to check out our new home & garden decor, and don’t forget to treat yourself! We look forward to seeing you on Sundays from 10 – 12:30.
St. George's Episcopal Preschool
The St. George’s Episcopal Preschool is looking for an After Care Manager to start August 2024. The ideal candidate will be nurturing and interested in early childhood education. The candidate will manage 3-4 other workers’ schedules and supervision along with assisting with the management of 15-20 children age 2 years-5 years old. Monday-Friday 2:15pm-5:45pm during the school year only. We follow the GMSD School district calendar and we are closed for Fall Break, Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Break. This is a great opportunity for someone entering the Education, Speech Pathology or Child Development fields but anyone that enjoys children would be a wonderful fit! Must be 21 years or older. Salary based on experience.
We will also have a few openings for After Care workers this Fall, age 16 and older. Hours are 2:30p-5:30p $15.00 per hour.
If interested, Please contact Sarah Bettendorf, Preschool Director
For information about the program, contact the Preschool Director, Sarah Bettendorf at: 901-757-2675
Art Gallery
“The Artistic Touch” exhibit opens April 30 and extends through May 29, 2024, with artists Carol Caughley, Sheila Bentley, Linda and Joe Umphress and Barbara Hicks Taylor among those exhibiting. A wine & cheese reception with the artists will be held Saturday, May 11 from 2-4 pm.
A portion of the proceeds from sales in The Gallery supports the work of Carpenter Art Garden, which brings the arts to the underserved Binghampton community. St. George’s Art Gallery is located within St. George’s Episcopal Church and is accessed through the front doors. The Gallery is open M – F from 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Relief and Support for neighbors suffering following international conflicts, natural disasters, and refugee needs.
Episcopal Relief & Development has:
- partnered with HIAS to Provide Mental Health Support in Response to Israel-Hamas War in Israel and with the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem to provide emergency medical support in the Gaza Strip in response to the Israel-Hamas war with the establishment of the Episcopal relief and development middle east fund.
- developed an International Crisis Response Fund to support the families of the thousands of persons who have died in an earthquake hitting Morocco, flooding that has struck Libya – and left many thousands more without shelter, resources or employment. Please visit to support the International Crisis Response Fund.
- developed a Hawaii Response Fund to support our neighbors in Lahaina, Maui, following the devastating fires. Please visit to support the Hawaii Relief effort.
- developed a fund to support our neighbors in Turkey and Syria who have been devastated by a recent earthquake. Please visit to learn more and to give.
- developed a Hurricane Relief Fund to support those who are suffer from the effects of hurricanes and natural disasters in the USA and abroad. Please visit
- partnered with The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe to aid Ukrainian refugees. Please visit
Responding to the Political Violence in Haiti
The West Tennessee Haiti Partnership (WTHP) has provided medical support to St. Vincent’s Center for Handicapped Children in Port-au-Prince since 2005. While the staff and residential children and adults of St. Vincent’s are currently safe behind the gates of the school as political violence impacts Haiti, physicians supporting local hospitals and St. Vincent’s are running out of medical supplies.
If you would like to make a donation to WTHP that will go towards the purchase of medical supplies, please send a check to the West Tennessee Haiti Partnership c/o the Diocese of West Tennessee, 692 Poplar, Memphis, TN, 38105.
Please keep the people of St. Vincent’s community and the people of Haiti in your prayers.
Diocesan and Community Events Coming Up
The Diocesan Communicator of the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee is full of news and events listed below. For more information click on the Diocesan Communicator link above and click on the current issue.
2024 Diocesan Cycle of Prayer
Make praying for the ministries and churches of the Diocese of West Tennessee a part of your prayer practice in 2024. The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer for 2024 is now on our website. Access it at
On Tuesday, April 2, the Episcopal Church’s Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop announced the names of the bishops it will nominate to succeed Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.
Its nominees are:
The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Barker (Diocese of Nebraska)
The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez (Diocese of Pennsylvania)
The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe (Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania & Diocese of Western New York)
The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright (Diocese of Atlanta)
Coming Events (Click on The Diocesan Communicator link above for details and more.)
- Thursday, May 9, 6:30 p.m. Ascension Day Evensong, sung by the choirs of St. George’s and St. John’s at St. George’s Episcopal Church
- Organ Rededication Recital, Monday, May 13, 7:30 p.m. at Church of the Holy Communion, Second Recital in the Series with Dr. Jane Gamble Dr. David Ouzts.
- Bookshop Roundtable: Was Jesus a Wisdom Teacher? | Wednesdays at 1 p.m. at the Episcopal Bookshop (St. Mary’s Memphis) led by the Rev. Jerry Harber
News from The Episcopal Church & Anglican Communion
- May 9-19, “Thy Kingdom Come” Call to Prayer from Archbishop Justin Welby, Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus. To learn more, go to
- Applications accepted for United Nations 2024 climate conference Episcopal delegation Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites all interested Episcopalians over 18 to apply to be a delegate—in person or virtually—to the 2024 United Nations climate change conference, scheduled for Nov. 11-22 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Applications—found online in English and Spanish—are due by 5 p.m. ET May 6. LEARN MORE
- Toward GC81: Registration open for General Convention visitors. Online registration is open for visitors to the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church, scheduled for June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky. An onsite registration area will also open June 21.
- Province IV Environmental Ministry Network, newsletter, networking, regional conference in Sept 2024
News from St. Columba
Mud Camp Registration Opens
Overnight and Day Camp sessions beginning June 16. Camp sessions are open to rising 1st through 6th graders with CIT camp for rising 7th and 8th graders. To REGISTER today, please visit us online at
Summer Jobs for Teens – Jobs Still Available
We are hiring for summer camp jobs for teens and young adults! Nothing could be more rewarding that having a job where you literally get to play with amazing children and get paid. Mud Camp and Camp Able are currently seeking Rising Sr. High school students and college students to serve as lifeguards, counselors, and adventure leaders this summer. Learn more!
Link for registration:
Link to apply for staff:
Camp Able, June 4-8 – Inquire About Availability
Camp Able is a nationally known camp serving children and adults with disabilities, or “diverse-abilities.” Each June, we host a traditional day camp that offers many outdoor and indoor activities for your camper in a safe and nurturing Christian environment with a camper/counselor ratio of 1:1. Your camper will climb, zip, slide in the mud, canoe, swim, fish, hike, and make new friends at St. Columba Episcopal Center near Bartlett, TN.
Link for registration:
To inquire about holding an event at St. Columba contact: .
Orion 5K to Benefit MIFA Meals on Wheels
Have you heard the good news? The Orion 5K will benefit MIFA for the third year in a row! We are grateful to Orion FCU for this opportunity to partner and promote MIFA Meals on Wheels.
Be a part of all the action and activities on Saturday, May 11 at 8:30 a.m. This year’s event, which is part of the M-Town Race Series, features a 5K and a 1-mile Family Fun Run, followed by a street party with pickleball! Click here to register.
Samaritan Counseling of the Mid-South Launches Inaugural Mental Health Lunch & Learn Series
- Wednesday, May 1, 12 – 1 pm Mental Health First Aid: Become Empowered to be a Mental Health Helper
- Thursday, August 1, 12-1 pm Teen Mental Health & Social Media: Guideposts for Parents
- Tuesday, November 12, 12-1 pm, Navigating Life’s Challenges: Pathways to Resilience
All sessions are conducted by mental health professionals at Samaritan Counseling locations. Contact for detailed information and registration.
We are Here for You
This year has affected all of us in unforeseen ways. Do you need help? St. George’s is YOUR community. Mother Dorothy is YOUR priest. If you need help–be it spiritual, mental, financial, physical, or emotional–the wisest action for you to take would be to reach out to a discreet resource that cares about you. There is no shame in saying, “I need help.” It is a courageous act of self-care.
We have confidential prayer warriors wanting to add you to their list. Let us know of any burden or joy you’d like to share.
Maybe you are someone who is comfortable right now, but remembers a time when you couldn’t manage to get Christmas dinner on the table. If you would like to “pay it back” or “forward” you can contribute to Mother Dorothy’s discretionary fund or contact her directly if you have resources to share with your St. George’s family.
Even if we cannot GO to church, we can still BE the church. Together, we will get through this.