Giving at St. George's
Online Giving
We have made giving to the church even easier, for your convenience we offer online giving.
Please click the “Give Online” button below. You’ll have the option to give one-time or to setup a recurring donation in any amount, for the frequency and duration you choose. You can indicate at “Checkout” to which ministry you are giving.
Or you can give using PayPal. Please click the yellow Donate button to give using PayPal.

Stewardship 2024-2025

St. George's Episcopal Church
2425 S. Germantown Road
Germantown, Tennessee 38138
(901) 754-7282
Dear St. George’s community,
I have been serving at St. George’s since Thursday, August 1, 2024. After spending the
last two years as an Interim Chaplain at Breck School in Golden Valley, Minnesota, I
arrived in anticipation of a fruitful season of ministry. Like Breck School, I have found St.
George’s to be a life-giving, life-affirming community. Unlike Breck, my focus in serving
is on the immediate concerns and needs of people of all ages and experiences.
As a faith community, St. George’s comes in a season of my life where seed planting
and fruit bearing are par for the course of our day to day lives. As you read what follows
you will see the core purpose of this correspondence, to ask for your prayers and
financial support for the coming year of 2025. Rather than speak of particulars that I am
still learning about, I have asked our Wardens and Treasurer to address our immediate
needs and those that are unfolding in the near future. Thank you for your time and
consideration of what follows. — Rev. Dorothy White, Interim Rector
It is timeI am writing to ask you to support the ministry of St. George’s by making an
annual pledge for 2025. Your pledge is important to St. George’s. While one-time gifts
are always a welcome surprise, we also need annual pledges from the congregation in
order to create a budget and a ministry plan for the upcoming year. Simply put, financial
pledges allow the church to properly plan the continuation and growth of church
Your pledge is an example of godly stewardship (Matthew 25:21). Giving to the Lord’s
work is an act of humility, gratitude, faith, and ministry. To all who have pledged for
2024 and who gave to the capital campaign last Fall, I thank you. To those who are new
to the church and might not have pledged before, I invite you to partner fully in the
ministries of the church in giving a portion of your time and a pledge, as the Lord guides
you. — Perry Pennington, Senior Warden
Last fall, stewardship was focused on time, talents, and annual giving plus our major
capital funds drive. The generosity of many produced almost $250,000 in one-time
contributions for building repairs and enhancements. This year, our stewardship
emphasis is on providing for continued growth in our parish life — children’s and family
ministries, music, and benevolent giving in the community. To help meet those expected
operating expenses in 2025, the Stewardship goal is a 6% increase in annual pledges.
That target will come close to returning total pledges to the levels in 2021-2023.
—- Jim Vogel, Treasurer
St. George’s Vision Statement
We gather as one humanity at God’s Table. We share a journey of discovery as a
welcoming community of ever-deepening faith. We rejoice in serving one another and
our neighbors through the love and grace of God in Christ. Wherever you are on your
spiritual journey, you are part of the tapestry that makes us one.

Kroger Community Rewards®

Giving More Back to the Community!
And there are other ways to give to St. George’s! St George’s participates in the Kroger Community Rewards program. Eileen Fields, Parish Administrator for Operations and Finance or a member of the Stewardship Program can sign you up for the program if you have not used it before. Give to the church with out spending an extra penny! St. George’s receives a percentage from the monthly sales to participants so you are earning benefits for St. George’s as you do your weekly marketing and make gas purchases.
Each time you shop at Kroger, they will contribute 3-5% to St. George’s on all your grocery and gas purchases if you select St. George’s Episcopal Church as the designated organization for your Kroger account’s Community Support! You election must be renewed annually for contributions to St. George’s to continue. Check the bottom of your Kroger receipt to see if you have selected St. George’s as your designated organization for community support. If you haven’t selected St. George’s, go to and select Community Rewards, then sign in or open an account. To register St. George’s for your Community Reward use New Number #HG578 or put in the church name and then enroll to establish or renew your donation to St. George’s. Click here to enroll on-line.
Please contact Mother Dorothy at 901-754-7282, or Eileen Fields at 901-754-7282 or if you have any questions.
St. George's Memorials
In addition to St. George’s Endowment Trust, there are a number of other ways in which Memorial or Honoraria Gifts can be made to St. George’s in memory of deceased persons or to honor family, friends or others on special occasions. Checks should be made out to St. George’s Episcopal Church with the designated fund listed in the memo line and accompanied by a note or name(s) of the persons in memorium or to be honored, on the envelope if a special gift envelope is used.
Gifts can be made to:
General Memorial Fund— for designated or undesignated gifts
Organ Memorial Fund— for maintenance of the organ
Music Memorial Fund— for sheet music, musical instruments or accessories
Sanctifica Fund— for sheet music or other expenses of the Sanctifica Wind Ensemble
Friends of Music— for St. George’s Concert series and musician recognition activities
Altar Guild Memorial Fund— for designated or undesignated gifts for purchase of linens, communion vessels or other altar guild items
Flower Guild Fund— for weekly or holiday floral displays
Daughters of the King Fund— for local expenses or donations to the national DOK funds
Rector’s Outreach Discretionary Fund— gifts to support ministries that assist vulnerable persons with shelter, food, education and medical care.
Special Gift Offerings are solicited at Christmas and Easter for Flowers and Musicians. Individuals and families are encouraged to give to the Sunday floral displays on occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, death anniversaries or other dates or events the giver wishes to commemorate. For single commemorations a gift of $50 is suggested, but any gift amounts are welcomed.
Music Memorials & Gifts
If you wish to give to the music program, but you are unsure about the fund to which you wish to contribute then here is a list with details for each Music Memorial and Gift Giving program available. Gifts to any of these funds may be made on-line here, designate desired fund in the Additional Information field.
Music Memorial Fund
This fund supports the purchase of durable items for the music program, such as instruments, music, folders, stands. While gifts may be given in memory of a loved one, they may also be used to honor someone. Music given in memory/honor of someone will have a label on it to that effect, so that we will always think of your loved one when we use the music.
Exultemus Fund
Sometimes Exultemus needs supplies or equipment that is not covered in the music operating budget.
Friends of Music
This fund supports music outreach in the form of concerts offered free of charge to parish and community. Funds are used for performance fees, publicity, program printing and hosting receptions. Gifts are freely given by parishioners and those who attend concerts.
Music Operating Expenses
This budgeted item funds regular maintenance of the music program, such as postage, publicity, printing, licenses, instrument maintenance, and music supplies.
Organ Memorial Fund
This is a long-term fund for future expansion of the organ.
Special Offerings
At Christmas and Easter there is an opportunity to help provide guest instrumentalists for special liturgies. This is a large expense (typically about $1,500 per feast day and the music budget does not cover all of it) and your generous support has enabled some wonderful seasonal music. Please contact the church office for more information.
Great Oaks Legacy Society Endowment Fund
The Endowment Trust has now begun to make meaningful contributions to the operation of the Church and the trustees look forward to being able to do even more in 2018. If you have not already done so, please consider including St. George’s Endowment Trust in your estate planning and in your planned giving as a part of our covenant with the future of St. George’s.