Formation Studies

Session One:

Sunday, February 16th 11:45am-12:45pm in the Parish Hall. 

Topic: Spiritual Gifts Inventory

  1. An electronic version of a Spiritual Gifts Inventory will be sent to your inboxes on February 8th. Parents/Guardians with children may assist them in taking this user friendly assessment. Accommodations will be made for those who do not use electronics for tasks of this kind.  

  2. Members should complete the survey and bring your results along for a time of sharing and dialogue on Feb. 16th.

  3. Food and beverage will be available via our EYC members. Donations will be requested to prepare the group for their Summer missions trip.

More lessons will be given around the purpose, function, and need for Spiritual Gifts (see I Corinthians 12-14).  If you have not had a chance to take the survey, please access here:

Session Two:

Sunday, March 30th 11:45am-12:45pm in the Parish Hall.

Topic: Book Study/Discussion Groups

Members will be asked to read the following book with the goal of participating in a group discussion.


Let Your Life Speak, by Parker Palmer 


Let Your Life Speak is another treasure for the journey written by Parker Palmer.  The wisdom that has grown from this growth and struggles provides support and guidance for those who may feel alone, confused, or just uncertain about purpose and calling.


Food and beverage will be available via our EYC members. Donations will be requested to prepare the group for their Summer missions trip.


Additional information will be made available in March.


Session Three:

Saturday, April 26th 12:00pm-2:00pm on the Garth

Topic: The Church, Our Lives as One

Learning to love our neighbor as ourselves.

A Picnic, Games as well as a time for Group Discussions will be held. Our congregation will celebrate the 90th year of St. George’s.

Food and beverage will be available via our EYC members. Donations will be requested to prepare the group for their Summer missions trip.  Additional information will be provided in April.

Any questions/concerns about the above addressed to Rev. Dorothy by email or by phone:, or 901-754-7282.